+34 936 460 403

What is the function of a second-hand glass condenser?

What is the function of a second-hand glass condenser?
What is the function of a second-hand glass condenser?
The main function of a used glass condenser is the condensation of gases obtained through a previous distillation process where mixtures with liquids evaporated at different temperatures have been separated.

The evaporated substances enter the condenser and pass through a duct that cools and condenses them. Finally, at the condenser's exit, they are deposited in a common flask.
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EUROPEAN UNION A way of making Europe European Regional Development Fund Comquima Europe SL, within the framework of the ICEX Next Program, has received support from ICEX and co-financing from the European FEDER fund. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment. SOC: This project is subsidized by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia and the State Public Employment Service within the framework of the 30 Plus Program. ACCIÓ: Project promoted with the International eTrade Program of ACCIÓ.
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