+34 936 460 403

What is the utility of a glass column?

What is the utility of a glass column?
What is the utility of a glass column?
Glass columns are mainly applied in the chemical industry, and their main use is related to the separation of liquid component mixtures.

Consequently, a glass column allows fractional distillations to be carried out through simple distillations performed by simple and continuous operations. The process is based on heating the mixture introduced into the glass column, which then becomes a vapor that condenses, rises, and is very rich.
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08520 Les Franqueses del Valles
Barcelona - España
Tel. +34 936 460 403
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08105 - Sant Fost de Campcentelles
Barcelona - España
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Calle Serrat de la Creu, 17
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EUROPEAN UNION A way of making Europe European Regional Development Fund Comquima Europe SL, within the framework of the ICEX Next Program, has received support from ICEX and co-financing from the European FEDER fund. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment. SOC: This project is subsidized by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia and the State Public Employment Service within the framework of the 30 Plus Program. ACCIÓ: Project promoted with the International eTrade Program of ACCIÓ.
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